Thursday, June 18, 2009

Words, words, words

Oh, words, those slippery little things!!

I had just put on lotion when I walked by Acia's desk. "Hmmm...You smell like peeee....eeaches?" She said as she sought around for the right word. "haha I'm glad that's what you settled on!" "Peaches, right?" "Yah, it's peaches--that's my lotion."

And then, we are in the rinok and Acia asks which bread I want. "Oh, just the cheapest, ummm, baguette," I say. As I walk over to her, I realize that not only did I mean baton, but that baguette is actually a French word...

And speaking of French words--I found out that the word suzette actually exists in French! "Crêpe Suzette is a typical French dessert, consisting of a crêpe with a hot sauce of caramelized sugar, orange juice, lightly grated orange peel and liqueur (usually Grand Marnier) on top, which is subsequently flambéed." Thank you once again wikipedia!

Thank goodness I put the h in my suzhette! This is a creative little title I came up with one day chatting with Paul on his front porch, trying to figure out a name so I could start a blog. "I want to call it something like suzhette," I had said. "Well, why don't you? That's perfect." "Oh, is that an English word?" I asked. "No. Just use it." And thus my blog name was born. Tales of a wandering Mormon is also his, folks.

By the way, suzhette is a Russian word that I decided to spell in a French as a way to show that I like all things international! It means a summary or outline of what's going on in the story, the gist, or as Andrey just said--"Suzhette means a story of your life." :) Sounds like I got the title right after all.

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