Monday, June 22, 2009


And I don't even want anything! I was hanging out with the study abroad students Friday, and one of the girls asked me what I called my dad growing up. I told her "daddy" and that was at least until I was 17, and that I still call him that sometimes. Tyler jumped in with--"yah, when you want something right?" "Oh, especially then!" I laughed. I told my dad about this conversation and he and I added at the same time,"Or when we're not debating politics." :)

I love my dad so much and was so happy to be able to talk to him this morning!! He has been a great dad, and I have many great memories of him! I remember hearing him come through the front door from work when I was little, and I would run and throw my arms around him, with, "Daddy!!" or "Hi daddy!" I also remember asking him all kinds of crazy questions when I was little, cuz I was sure he knew everything!! I still call him when I need to know something--Especially when it comes to cars, finances, and all of those practical things!! :)

Everyone who knows my dad loves him--from the doctors and nurses at work to the people in our ward! My dad is always quick with a smile and loves meeting new people. I am so lucky to have him for a dad!

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