Thursday, June 4, 2009

What a blessing to be in Moscow

Today may be the best day I have had in Moscow! I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to come here. I always knew in my heart that I would return to Russia, and the full magnitude of what this trip means to me really just hit me today.

I was able to talk to President Harrison from the Rostov mission and to President Bennett from the Samara mission. President Pieper has asked me to gather stories of members here and to write an article for one of the papers back home. He recommended I contact these two presidents, not realizing I have a connection with both.

President Harrison was my bishop years ago at BYU. He is an amazing man and was a fantastic bishop!

President Bennett is the mission president where I served three years ago in Samara. He filled me in on the mission news, and I was so happy to hear how well the members are doing. They are so strong! He told me that there are 760 active members in the whole mission, and they had 700 at President Uchtdorf's visit in Samara! That is 95% of active members in attendance!!! Many had to drive hours to get there, sacrificing money and time to see and apostle of the Lord. The missionaries doubled the number of baptisms in 2008 (from 2007).

He then told me about some of the members and what they were doing. I had tears in my eyes as he told me how well they were doing, even with the sacrifices they are making. I was very emotional by the end and so grateful that I had the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful people on my mission!

A phone call to one of my former companions from the mission rounded out the day. She is Armenian and living in Rostov, so when I go to visit President Harrison, I will get to see her as well. I talked to Elder Manzhos about taking about one week off of work for the trip, and we decided on a date that would work well because he is also leaving. "Why don't you go the weekend of the 26th," he asked. "That's when I will be gone, so it will work out well. We'll be travelling together, you could say!" So I have my week when I can go off to see Ani!

I was able to chat with Amy yesterday, which was so much fun! It was at the end of our conversation that President Pieper walked in and asked if I would be able to make it into their presidency meeting to give an update on media for the President Uchtdorf visit. I told him I'd be right in, told Amy goodbye, and went off to give my report and get a new assignment. I am now writing two articles on members in Russia to be sent to Salt Lake this next week. The best part of this is that I get to contact President Harrison and President Bennett of the Rostov and Samara missions respectively! Each member of the presidency took turns talking about specific families from the cities Pres. Uchtdorf visited. It was really neat to hear them speak of the Russian families--it is so clear that they have truly come to know and love the people of Russia! They became teary-eyed as they shared stories of peopel they love and respect.

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