Saturday, August 15, 2009


The nice thing about jet lag/insomnia is it gives you a chance to catch up on things. I have read a few sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, tidied up a bit in my room, listened to Taylor Swift, studied for the LSAT, and now--updated my blog.

I've also decided to start a new blog with some of my thoughts on the gospel--from scripture study, headlines about the Church, and some of my thoughts on what it means to me to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My friend Paul gave me the idea about one year ago to keep a separate blog on "Mormon" stuff, and I figured it was about time I tried it out. Maybe this will even serve a public diplomacy purpose by getting out another (unofficial) voice about the Church.

Now I think I'll go get some sleep--maybe I can trick my body into thinking I'm taking a late afternoon nap in Moscow, even if it is 6 am here.


  1. Jetlag sux. I just was up all night because it was all day in Japan. Boo. I'm looking forward to reading the new "franchised" blog.

  2. Thanks, I'll try and keep it interesting :) I saw your posting on your jet lag and had to laugh, remembering my own.
