Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Liv has started using her imagination this last month, and it is so much fun!  Tonight she was "cooking" and feeding us.  She would grab a cup and a spoon from the set that Grandma DeGroff gave her and say, "Stirring, stirring, stirring."  She would then feed us or her animals.  At one point we "made" eggs.  She had decided what she was eating was "all gone" from one of her bowls, so I pretended to pour something from my cup into it.  "Thank you," she said.  We did this quite a few times, with her asking for more because hers was all gone, and she would always say thank you for the pretend food.  It was so much fun for her and for us!  We've even let her stay up later than usual the last couple of nights because she just has so much fun playing.

She has started wanting to actually play in her crib lately.  This morning as I was getting ready, she asked to go in her crib, so I put her in there.  Several times I asked if she wanted to get out, but she said no and kept playing, even when I told her I was going downstairs.  After a while it had been really quite (which most moms know means the kids are up to something), so I went to check on her, and she was just playing with her little dog that she used to go to sleep with.  She was pushing the buttons and making it sing while she sat and listened.  I love that she loves music!  Last night as we were getting ready for bed, she just looked at me so seriously to get my attention, then started singing "Rain, rain go away."  It's so fun to see her develop her imagination and interests.


  1. That has been one of my favorite parenting things so far - watching Lyds' little imagination develop. Sounds like Liv is going to be very creative (and polite!).

    Sorry for all the comments! I got behind on your blog and am trying to catch up!

  2. Obviously I'm a little behind on replying :) I love your comments! Keep them coming! I can't wait for Lyds and Liv to get to play together. They are going to have so much fun!
